| Name | Address | Create date | Unsatisfactory conditions |
Nebanice 10, 350 02 Nebanice
| 9/10/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Occurrence of mould on the equipment
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Březí vlk s.r.o.
Plzeňská 8, 353 01 Velká Hleďsebe
| 9/9/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Filth on the floor
Damage of the ceiling
JEDNOTA, spotřební družstvo v Pardubicích
Němčice 245, 533 52 Němčice
| 9/9/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Altantuya Bayaraa
Nádražní 818, 51721 Týniště nad Orlicí
| 9/7/2021 |
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Dolní náměstí 22, 396 01 Humpolec
| 9/7/2021 |
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the floor
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Astur & Qanto s.r.o.
Bratří Čapků 61, 534 01 Holice
| 9/1/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Karlovo nám. 23/17, 67401 Třebíč
| 8/31/2021 |
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the equipment
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
BILLA, spol. s r. o.
Plumlovská 4210/104, 796 04 Prostějov
| 8/26/2021 |
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Hekrovo pekařství, spol. s r. o.
Obecnice 159, 262 21 Obecnice
| 8/25/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Abrita s.r.o.
Bezová 341, Horní Jirčany, 142 00 Jesenice u Prahy
| 8/25/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Abrita s.r.o.
Bezová 341, Horní Jirčany, 142 00 Jesenice u Prahy
| 8/13/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha
| 8/5/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of mould on the equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
TRAMILI 68 spol. s r.o.
Náměstí Dr. M. Tyrše 63/15, 75117 Horní Moštěnice
| 8/4/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of live mice
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Francouzská 436/36, 120 00 Praha
| 8/3/2021 |
Occurrence of insects
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Size or organisation of the premises for production of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Francouzská 436/36, 120 00 Praha
| 8/3/2021 |
Occurrence of insects
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Podhorská 663/110, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
| 7/27/2021 |
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Unseparated basins for washing hands and tools
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
L+L plus s.r.o.
691 08 Bořetice 276
| 7/26/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Jana Palacha 234, 530 02 Pardubice
| 7/26/2021 |
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the floor
Táborská 4384/147, 615 00 Brno
| 7/23/2021 |
Occurrence of insects
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Pražská Vinotéka s.r.o.
Na Radosti 166/2, 155 21 Praha
| 7/16/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Na Poříčí 54/77, 267 01 Králův Dvůr
| 7/15/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould on the equipment
Filth on the floor
Quang Hung Tran
Selbská 1204/9, 352 01 Aš
| 7/9/2021 |
Poor hygiene conditions on the toilets
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the ceiling
Smoking at the premises background
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Jelení skok s.r.o.
Pod Jelením skokem 884/2, 360 01 Karlovy Vary
| 7/8/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Na Dědině 171, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště
| 6/29/2021 |
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Size or organisation of the premises for production of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Huu Hung Khuc
Příbramská 67, 407 25 Verneřice
| 6/22/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
TRUST me s.r.o.
U kabelovny 612, 102 00 Praha
| 6/17/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
BILLA, spol. s r. o.
Rooseveltova 47, 537 01 Chrudim
| 6/11/2021 |
Renovation in progress
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Voletinská 252, 541 03 Trutnov
| 6/10/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Fryčajova 532/147, 614 00 Brno
| 6/9/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Pekařství u Píchů, s.r.o.
Za sokolovnou 159, 250 66 Zdiby
| 6/9/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of live mice
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strongly neglected cleaning
DK OPEN, spol. s r.o.
Stránského 2291, 390 02 Tábor
| 6/8/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Penny Market s.r.o.
Boleslavská 1801, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav
| 6/7/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of live mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
5. května 133, 273 06 Libušín
| 6/7/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Domamyslická 189/45, 796 04 Prostějov
| 6/7/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Libušská 52/188, 140 00 Praha 4
| 6/1/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the floor
BILLA, spol. s r. o.
Havlíčkova 4821/13, 586 01 Jihlava
| 5/31/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Krakonošovo náměstí 75, 541 01 Trutnov
| 5/28/2021 |
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
MD logistika, a.s.
Křičenského 451, 533 03 Dašice v Čechách
| 5/20/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Rudé armády 463, 533 74 Horní Jelení
| 5/12/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Filth on the floor
BILLA, spol. s r. o.
Havlíčkova 4821/13, 586 01 Jihlava
| 5/12/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of live mice
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
U Stadionu 200, 533 54 Rybitví
| 5/7/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Nádražní 52, 345 61 Staňkov
| 5/6/2021 |
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
The Son Pham
Liběšice 186, 411 46 Liběšice
| 5/5/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
281 06 Vitice 11
| 4/28/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Poor hygiene conditions on the toilets
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the walls
Premises used also for activities irrelevant to the food business operation
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Náměstí Vítězslava Hálka 8, 250 70 Odolena Voda
| 4/23/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Size or organisation of the premises for sale of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Belgická 261/18, 120 00 Praha
| 4/21/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the floor
Husovo náměstí 941, 547 01 Náchod
| 4/16/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Poor hygiene conditions on the toilets
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Labská 153/2, 27711 Neratovice
| 4/14/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Komenského nám. 90, 281 44 Zásmuky
| 4/9/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Phuc Nguyen Huu
Klášterní 267, 364 61 Teplá
| 3/31/2021 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment