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Unsatisfactory conditions: Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
 NameAddressCreate dateUnsatisfactory conditions
Restaurant LUDĚK HANZLÍK Lidická 311/37, 150 00 Praha 3/6/2024 Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Size or organisation of the premises for storing of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant PRADDIS spol. s r.o. Žižkovo nám. 8/8, 390 01 Tábor 2/9/2024 Occurrence of insects
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the ceiling
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail THI THU HUONG TRAN Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha 2/6/2024 Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Unseparated basins for washing hands and tools
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Occurrence of moldy foods or raw materials
Strongly neglected cleaning
Smell on the workshop
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant SABINA FÁRNÍKOVÁ Masarykovo náměstí 158/30, 679 61 Letovice 1/15/2024 Poor hygiene conditions on the toilets
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail Lidl Česká republika s.r.o. Přímětická 3658/66, 669 02 Znojmo 12/14/2023 Damage of the ceiling
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail Albert Česká republika, s.r.o. Tkalcovská 869/1, 602 00 Brno 12/11/2023 Damage of the ceiling
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail TRONG QUYNH CAO Mořina 5, 267 17 Mořina 11/7/2023 Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Renovation in progress
Smoking at the premises background
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Sweetshop Adolf Zeman - Zemanova kavárna s.r.o. Josefská 493/4, 602 00 Brno 11/3/2023 Occurrence of mould on the walls
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Wholesale GRANTITUDE House s.r.o. Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha 11/2/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant Na břehu Rhôny BRNO s.r.o. Jakubské náměstí 101/2, 602 00 Brno 10/26/2023 Renovation in progress
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Fast food DANH DOAN LE Náměstí Míru 43, 344 01 Domažlice 10/10/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant PETR MAJDÁNEK Novosuchdolská 100/1, 165 00 Praha 10/3/2023 Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Occurrence of moldy foods or raw materials
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Size or organisation of the premises for production of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant VAN TUYEN MAI Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha 9/20/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail VĂN VUONG THÂN 1. máje 718, 463 34 Hrádek nad Nisou 9/20/2023 Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Size or organisation of the premises for storing of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Smell on the workshop
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Production PALMER CZ, a.s. Dukelských hrdinů 117, 407 21 Česká Kamenice 8/30/2023 Filth on the floor
Damage of the floor
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Occurrence of home animals at the premises
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Fast food THI TUYET NGUYEN Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha 8/28/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant MILAN SPURNÝ Lhota nad Moravou 4, 783 32 Náklo 8/24/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Smell on the workshop
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant HAINAS UNION s.r.o. Stroupežnického 516/7, 150 00 Praha 8/17/2023 Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant ZD Gastro s.r.o. Dr. Sedláka 937, 339 01 Klatovy 8/10/2023 Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Sweetshop HEINRICH VALENTIN SCHWARZKOPF Jezerní 380, 471 27 Stráž pod Ralskem 7/11/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Occurrence of moldy foods or raw materials
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Occurrence of home animals at the premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant TOMÁŠ SURA Chodovická 2311/30, 193 00 Praha 7/3/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant THI MINH LAN NGUYEN Svatý Kříž 290, 35002 Cheb 3/29/2023 Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail Viet Thinh Ngo Nádražní 94, 463 31 Chrastava 3/14/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail TL Asian Food s.r.o. Libušská 319/126 , 142 00 Praha 3/8/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail Družstvo JEDNOTA KLADNO Štěpánská 2670, 272 01 Kladno 3/1/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Filth on the floor
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail BILLA, spol. s r. o. Hlavní 1709, 739 11 Frýdlant nad Ostravicí 1/23/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail Jednota, spotřební družstvo v Hodoníně Lichnov 371, 742 75 Lichnov 1/17/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Production Pekařství Veselý, spol. s r.o. Vrážská 324, 252 28 Černošice 1/10/2023 Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the walls
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Production SILVIE KOVÁČOVÁ Bezručova 192, 790 01 Jeseník 12/12/2022 Accumulation of waste
Premises used also for activities irrelevant to the food business operation
Occurrence of home animals at the premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant G.W.G., spol. s r.o. Pujmanové 1218/10, 140 00 Praha 4 10/31/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant HOANGGIANG s.r.o. Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha 4 - Písnice 10/31/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant Hostinec Úhonice, s.r.o. Kateřinská 29, 252 18 Úhonice 7/15/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant VĚRA MERCOVÁ Lidická 581/61a, 360 01 Karlovy Vary 6/3/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Filth on the floor
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Production MUNTERASI s.r.o. Grillova 94, 269 01 Rakovník 6/3/2022 Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Fast food Petr Kult Mírové náměstí 57, 411 45 Úštěk 5/2/2022 Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Occurrence of moldy foods or raw materials
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant JANA VYBÍRALOVÁ Felbabka 71, 268 01 Felbabka 4/27/2022 Fouled kitchen equipment
Strong fouling of entire premises
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Premises used also for activities irrelevant to the food business operation
Renovation in progress
Occurrence of home animals at the premises
Smell on the workshop
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant P & J Special Company s.r.o. Ke Kozím hřbetům 3/4, 165 00 Praha 4/27/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Size or organisation of the premises for production of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail COOP Hořovice, družstvo Volduchy 210, 338 22 Volduchy 4/4/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Pub, bar or casino KATEŘINA PÁNKOVÁ Třanovského 402, 738 01 Frýdek-Místek 3/18/2022 Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Poor hygiene conditions on the toilets
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Size or organisation of the premises for storing of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant HELENA LAHODNÁ Děpoltovice 1, 362 25 Děpoltovice 2/24/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail VAN TIEP NGUYEN Stará Duchcovská 242/90, 415 03 Teplice 2/17/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the walls
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Pub, bar or casino Edu & Travel Consulting s.r.o. Husitská 404/43, 130 00 Praha 12/12/2021 Poor hygiene conditions on the toilets
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Restaurant Hanh PHAM THI Libušská 126/319, 142 00 Praha (budova TP 25) 9/24/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail BILLA, spol. s r. o. Plumlovská 4210/104, 796 04 Prostějov 8/26/2021 Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail TIEN HOAN MAI Francouzská 436/36, 120 00 Praha 8/3/2021 Occurrence of insects
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Size or organisation of the premises for production of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail KHANH VU HUU Francouzská 436/36, 120 00 Praha 8/3/2021 Occurrence of insects
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail L+L plus s.r.o. 691 08 Bořetice 276 7/26/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Production FRANTIŠEK ŠESTÁK Na Dědině 171, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště 6/29/2021 Occurrence of mould at the premises
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Size or organisation of the premises for production of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail TOAN BUI DUC Náměstí Vítězslava Hálka 8, 250 70 Odolena Voda 4/23/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Size or organisation of the premises for sale of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail DONG NGUYEN XUAN Labská 153/2, 27711 Neratovice 4/14/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs