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Poor quality food XXX (unknown) Retail Retail Archive record 1/12/2018
Place of inspection:
Praha (Plzeňská 233/8, 15000 Praha)
IN: 28226968
Unsatisfactory parameter:
ponceau 4R
žluť SY (E 110)
tartrazin (E 102)

Výrobek obsahoval syntetická barviva ponceau 4R, žluť SY (E 110) a tartrazin (E 102), jejichž přítomnost nebyla uvedena na obale.

[machine translate]
Usability date: 25.03.18
Packaging: GL + FE víčko
The amount of product in the package: 100 g
Producer: Prodávající: CAVIAR HOUSE LEMBERG s.r.o. Legerova 1824/47, 120 00 Praha 2
Country of origin: XXX (unknown)
Date of taking the sample: 11/20/2017
Reference number: 17-000777-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.