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Warheads Cubes Galactic Mix

Poor quality food United States Retail Retail 1/6/2025
Place of inspection:
Morkovice-Slížany (Náměstí 28, 768 33 Morkovice-Slížany)
IN: 01751310
Food group: Chocolate, confectionery / Other confectionery
Warheads Cubes Galactic Mix
Category: Poor quality food
Unsatisfactory parameter:
tartrazin (E102)
brilantní modř FCF (E133)
allura červeň AC (E129)

Ve výrobku byla zjištěna přítomnost syntetických barviv tartrazin (E102), brilantní modř FCF (E133) a allura červeň AC (E129), jejichž přítomnost nebyla uvedena na obalu.

[machine translate]
Batch: Best by 09/2025
Best date: Best by 09/2025
Packaging: PAP krabička
The amount of product in the package: 99 g
Distributor: Impact Confections, INC. Janesville, WI 53546
Country of origin: United States
Date of taking the sample: 9/17/2024
Reference number: 25-000010-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.