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Beast BURN 120 caps ,116,5 g

Unsafe food Germany Retail Retail 11/28/2024
Place of inspection:
Hranice (Náměstí 8. května 368, 753 01 Hranice)
IN: 61246093
Food group: Food supplements / Food supplements
Beast BURN 120 caps ,116,5 g
Category: Unsafe food
Unsatisfactory parameter:
erythrosin (E127)

Potravina obsahovala přídatnou látku - syntetické barvivo erythrosin (E127), která není pro tento typ výrobků povolená.


[machine translate]
Batch: LC233098
Best date: 02/2026
Packaging: PET dóza
The amount of product in the package: 120 ks
Producer: GymBeam, Cartenfelder Str. 1 13599 Berlin-Cartenfeld, Germany
Distributor: Gym Beam s.r.o. Rastislavova 93, 040 01 Košice
Country of origin: Germany
Date of taking the sample: 8/19/2024
Reference number: 24-000595-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.