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Ochucovací pasta Joypaste - Ostružina

Poor quality food Italia Retail Retail Archive record 2/12/2024
Place of inspection:
Ostrava (Velká 200/18, 702 00 Ostrava)
IN: 04667638
Food group: Food additives / Food additives other than colours and sweeteners
Ochucovací pasta Joypaste - Ostružina
Category: Poor quality food
Unsatisfactory parameter:
brilantní modř FCF (E133)

Výrobek obsahoval barvivo brilantní modř FCF (E133), jehož přítomnost nebyla uvedena na obalu.

[machine translate]
Best date: 10.6.2024
Packaging: plastová krabička s víčkem
The amount of product in the package: 100 g
Country of origin: Italia
Date of taking the sample: 11/9/2023
Reference number: 24-000060-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.