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Found in archive (1420)
 NameAddressCreate dateUnsatisfactory conditions
Retail JEDNOTA, spotřební družstvo Nová Paka Náměstí 549, 517 24 Borohrádek 1/25/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Retail Pavla Koblihová Pernštýnské nám. 192/9, 796 01 Prostějov 1/25/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Retail NGOC KHANH NGUYEN Masarykovo nám. 322, 334 01 Přeštice 1/24/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Production Česká whisky s.r.o. Šebkovice 47, 675 45 Šebkovice 1/21/2022 Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Damage of the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Restaurant JITKA MACOLOVÁ Prosluněná 58, 362 63 Dalovice 1/19/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Filth on the floor
Retail THI TO OANH NGUYEN Rudé armády 463, 533 74 Horní Jelení 1/19/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Retail MD logistika, a.s. Křičenského 451, 533 03 Dašice v Čechách 1/19/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Retail DANH QUYEN NGUYEN Hrušovanská 148, 671 68 Hrabětice 1/18/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Filth on the floor
Retail Kubík a.s. K sokolovně 309, 503 41 Hradec Králové 1/18/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Retail MINH TRONG PHAM Pernarec 34, 330 36 Pernarec 1/14/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Restaurant Masný krám KRKOVIČKA s.r.o. Wolkerova 2005/30, 350 02 Cheb 1/14/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Filth on the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Confectionery, cafe, ice cream parlor
JIŘÍ JÍCHA Mírové náměstí 94, 51721 Týniště nad Orlicí 1/14/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Retail Penny Market s.r.o. Náměstí Komenského 110, 54954 Police nad Metují 1/13/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Restaurant VAN LUONG LE Žižkova 403/1, 353 01 Mariánské Lázně 1/13/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Filth on the floor
Premises used also for activities irrelevant to the food business operation
Fast food ZONGWEI LI Seifertova 566/39, 130 00 Praha 1/10/2022 Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Unseparated basins for washing hands and tools
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Retail H R U Š K A , spol. s r.o. Vysoká nad Labem 186, 503 31 Vysoká nad Labem 1/7/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Retail NAM BUI HUY Velké Hamry 492, 468 45 Velké Hamry 1/6/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Retail COOP Hořovice, družstvo Radouš 83, 267 24 Hostomice 1/5/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Fast food KORČIÁN s.r.o. 671 51 Vranovská Ves 124 1/4/2022 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of live mice
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Retail COOP Hořovice, družstvo Kuštova 1769, 269 01 Rakovník 12/22/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Pub, bar, casino, tearoom
Edu & Travel Consulting s.r.o. Husitská 404/43, 130 00 Praha 12/12/2021 Poor hygiene conditions on the toilets
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail Kaufland Česká republika v.o.s. Riegrova 1148, 506 01 Jičín 12/9/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Production Pekařství Sýkora s.r.o. Náves 2, 330 01 Kyšice 12/7/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Production BENIX s.r.o. Jungmannova 1267/7, 664 34 Kuřim 12/1/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Production Středovy pekárny s.r.o. Čáslavská 450/449, 284 01 Kutná Hora 11/30/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Retail H R U Š K A , spol. s r.o. Libřice 6, 503 44 Libřice 11/29/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the ceiling
Fast food AMIR KASEM U skládky 1469/5, 190 00 Praha 11/16/2021 Occurrence of insects
Restaurant CAO MINH NGUYEN Libušská 1049/198, 142 00 Praha 4 11/10/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Strongly neglected cleaning
Smoking at the premises background
Retail Kaufland Česká republika v.o.s. Riegrova 1148, 506 01 Jičín 11/9/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Wholesale GOLDEN HORSE ASIAN FOOD s.r.o. Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha 4 (budova XA3) 11/4/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Wholesale KIKOMAL FORD s.r.o. V lužích 735/6, 142 00 Praha 11/3/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strongly neglected cleaning
Restaurant DINH DUNG LE Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha 4 (budova QA22) 11/3/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Strongly neglected cleaning
Retail Thi Yen Trieu nám. 5. května 199, 364 64 Bečov nad Teplou 11/2/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Size or organisation of the premises for sale of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Retail VĂN BAC NGUYEN Oldřichov v Hájích 281, 463 31 Oldřichov v Hájích 10/19/2021 Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable running water supply
Toilets out of order
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Failure to ensure waste water runoff
Retail JEDNOTA, spotřební družstvo v Pardubicích Ostřešany 242, 530 02 Ostřešany 10/16/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Retail NGOC KHANH NGUYEN Masarykovo nám. 322, 33401 Přeštice 10/15/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Retail THONG HOANG VAN Čsl. legií 138, 503 46 Třebechovice pod Orebem 10/15/2021 Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Production CONSI - veřejná obchodní společnost Smetanova 1056, 755 01 Vsetín 10/14/2021 Occurrence of insects
Filth on the floor
Retail VAN DUY CAO Hlavní 16, 252 67 Tuchoměřice 10/14/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Production Zemědělské družstvo "Agroholding" se sídlem v Bernarticích Hlavní 332, 78833 Hanušovice 10/11/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Restaurant DINH KHOAT DO Horní Folmava 8, 345 32 Česká Kubice 10/8/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Fouled kitchen equipment
Retail BILLA, spol. s r. o. Masarykova 2051, 58001 Havlíčkův Brod 10/6/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Petrol station PROTEGO s.r.o. 5.května 3082, 407 47 Varnsdorf 9/27/2021 Unavailable running water supply
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Restaurant Hanh PHAM THI Libušská 126/319, 142 00 Praha (budova TP 25) 9/24/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Retail JAN TACINA Návsí, 739 92 Návsí 9/23/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Unavailable running water supply
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Failure to ensure waste water runoff
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Production Stanislava Kufnerová Na Kameni 22, 55101 Jaroměř 9/22/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Strongly neglected cleaning
Restaurant DANIEL MIKESKA Jamnická 90, 738 01 Staré Město 9/20/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Toilets out of order
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Fouled kitchen equipment
Damage of the walls
Retail THI HUONG LU 1. máje 742, 357 09 Habartov 9/17/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Damage of the floor
Wholesale NENIVE s.r.o. Šafaříkova 277, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav 9/16/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of moldy foods or raw materials
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Filth on the floor
Damage of the floor
Smell on the workshop
Retail T.G., a.s. Doubrava 109, 352 01 Aš 9/15/2021 Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the walls
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises